
Performance and Development Focus

In our pursuit of corporate success, we prioritize the effective management of talents within our organization.

HR Policies and Practices

Acquiring a Skilled Workforce
Acquiring a Skilled Workforce To fill vacant positions, we diligently assess job applications from various sources, including our website, emails, employee recommendations, or consultancy firms. Candidates applying for specific roles undergo comprehensive evaluations, including tests and inventories aligned with position requirements, all conducted with utmost confidentiality before recruited to our organization.

Performance Management

Our performance management system revolves around enhancing employee competencies, aligning corporate goals with individual objectives. We guide the value created by our employees toward common organizational goals, rewarding successful performances commensurate with the value they contribute.

Talent Management

Identifying high-potential employees is crucial, and we achieve this through tailored career plans and development programs. We provide necessary knowledge, skills, and professional growth opportunities, preparing individuals for roles that demand increased responsibility.

Wage Structure

Wage management in our organization considers factors such as employees' education levels, competencies, job grade, and the value derived from job evaluations. We factor in the market value of our employees' tasks and align wages with organizational opportunities.

Job Application Form

You can apply for a job application for Vekon, Nestavilla and Ekobord through our form below.
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